The Mount Harrison Amateur Radio Society of Idaho, Inc. (KC7SNN) membership is responsible for maintaining the Mount Harrison Repeater Site, Southern Idaho's finest repeater system, located high on Mount Harrison in the Albion Mountain Range in the Southern Division of the United States Forest Service. Perched at approximately 9300’ the repeaters at the site serve all of Southern Idaho as far West as Mt. Home, North to Sun Valley, East to Idaho Falls and Pocatello, and South into Malad, Idaho and into Northern Utah and Northeast Nevada.

This group meets as called and has an Annual Business and Board meeting for official business and election of officers.

Visit the Nets page above to see the schedule of Nets.

Annual donations are of $10 or greater are accepted and are used to maintain and service the radio equipment, antennas, tower, and building facility.

Mt Harrison ARS uses Ham Club Online to manage membership.

Existing members may pay dues by clicking here.

New members may sign up using their existing Ham Club Online account and clicking on the "Apply for Membership" button, the club call is KC7SNN.

Alternatively you may use a method below.

Join by Mail, send check or money order and call sign to:
Mt. Harrison Amateur Radio Society of Idaho
c/o Kevan Vogt
223 East 16th St
Rupert ID 83350

or by Paypal by clicking below, make sure to include call sign in the note

Mt Harrison Society Facebook Group